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May 18th, 2016

Hey internet..... so it's been awhile and for that I'm sorry. I missed you! Do you remember me? Probably not, but that's ok, we'll have a second first date and it's gonna be great!


SO. For the last year and half I have been learning and perfroming Improv. I started taking classes at a great acting school (NJ School of Dramatic Arts!) and it has been the best decision of my adult life. Franco "Danger" Roman and I started together and have now been part of a troop for almost a year! Needless to say, it has taken a lot of our time.


On top of that, we have both started performing Stand Up (Franco finally got me to get on stage and it's been crazy. Plus he's been doing it longer and he's super good, even if he won't admit it!)


So what does all this mean? Between fun comedy stuff, life has gotten in the way as well. Work, my annual trip to the INTEL ISEF, the death of my Grandmother (Love and miss you, Rest in Peace funny lady!) and a romantic relationship, time has just escaped me. BUT now that things are calming down a bit, I want to get back working on this crazy site that I have missed TREMENDOUSLY!


With all that said, I have a new review that will be up Tomorrow (Thursday!) for the Stephen King novel, Pet Sematary.


AND make sure to TUNE IN to SHUT UP YO RADIO on May 29th for Mike Foy's (That's a me!) 30th Birthday Show! (More details soon!)


Hope you are well internet. Let's get some coffee and catch up!


In the meantime, please enjoy the following awesome Video!

By Michael J. Foy

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