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Could there still be a "Galaxy Quest 2"?!

August 8th, 2014

When Galaxy Quest first came out, I didn't hate the film, but I wasn't crazy about it either. After a bunch of viewngs, thanks to the likes of HBO and Encore playing it non stop for almost two years, I began to realize there was something I was missing. Then it suddenly hit me. There was just something so genuine about the characters and there situation. Of course the movie is over the top and absurd, but it's so incredibly funny. Moments with Tim Allen trying to explain anything to The Thermians are just fantastic. We find ourselves wanting them to become the hero's they once preteneded to be.

Today I read that there still might be some potential for a sequel to 1999 film. Despite the fact that it's been fifteen years since the original, I almost feel like a follow up would work better now. With the cast and crew behind the Galaxy Quest still expressing a ton of love for the idea, this could turn out to be a really fun project. Considering the first one is a rare film that gets better with age, I would love to think the magic could be recaptured.

Check out the full story, including quotes from the cast and crew, over at JoBlo!

So what do you think internet?

Is it time to head back to the stars or should the crew remain grounded?
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By Michael J. Foy

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