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Deadpool Test Footage Awakens Dormant Nerd in Many

August 2nd, 2014

The concept of the comic book super hero continues to cross the media division lines into film with each passing day. With known box office giants like Iron Man, The Avengers, (which took forever to build up with separate hero films and post credits scenes featuring Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury) Batman, and X-Men, the film list appears to be impressive, but is still very fledgling. Sure, spin-offs are easy. The X-Men (probably the largest of it’s kind) film franchise is close to, if not over ten films strong at this point, especially with the “Origins” films, which act as a solid addition to bolster the franchise.
In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the audience is introduced to Deadpool, the lovably annoying “merc with the mouth.” Perfectly portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, who has proved to audiences that he can play a real irresistible asshole in films (National Lampoon’s Van Wilder and Waiting) the character of Deadpool was chaotic and vibrant. It was interesting how writers bent his true origin to fit into the blockbuster film...only to “kill him off” towards the end when Wolverine decapitates Deadpool in a silly looking battle that features a “Weapon X’d” Deadpool who can shoot...lasers out of his eyes? What? As far as we know, Deadpool has hyper healing, agility, dexterity, and major affinities for all of the weapons that he wields, guns and blades alike. NOT lasers eyes...but whatever.

Last week, test footage of a supposed Deadpool film was “leaked” (I’m sure it was strategically released) and comic book fans everywhere went apeshit. Even more recently, photos of Reynolds in a full CGI suit were leaked to show that they actually used his movement and mannerisms in the rendered footage. The word on the street is that FOX is behind the leak, which is true, considering that re-uploads of the footage are blocked quite quickly under copyright protection of...YOU GUESSED IT! FOX. Now, this is exciting news, because if any anti-hero deserves a feature film, it’s Deadpool...but there may be a problem. FOX will do its very best to release this film as a PG-13 feature, because all Marvel universe movies that have been released so far have received this rating. Deadpool fans want FOX to do these two things for the Deadpool movie to stay true to the character’s nature. 1) The film needs to be VIOLENT. And 2) Deadpool’s dialogue needs to remain untouched, profane, and goofy as shit.


Check out the video for yourself. Our apologies if the link is dead by the time you check it out. It should be an easy find on Google, as are most things. What do you think the Deadpool movie should be like? As always, happy viewing and SOUND OFF in the comments section below.

By Chuck Salamone

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