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So, Let's talk about "HANNIBAL" Season Three....

May 27th, 2014

The second season of NBC's Hannibal just finished it's run and now, less than a week later, the details of season three have been laid out on the table.


Spoilers follow, so read at your own risk!


As some of you may already know, I'm not terribly fond of the show, but I do still watch it. Why at this point? I've been sucked into the soap opera that is Hannibal. I do love the first two books and the first two films, but the rest of the material just isn't great. I have no issue with doing something new with the material in the format of a show, but the story crafted here just isn't what it could be. (More about this in Tomorrows Brand New WTF Happened)


With all that said, I'm sure I'll end up checking out the third season considering the art direction, actors, and set design are all pretty great. The plan as of now is for the third season to mash together bits of both Hannibal & Hannibal Rising


Per TV Guide:

Fuller: The books won't necessarily be in sequential order. We'll be hitting elements of each of them except Silence of the Lambs in the next season. My hope is that not only do we have a completely different Hannibal Lecter story in Season 3, but we will meet some of those great characters like Francis Dolarhyde and  Lady Murasaki and weave them into the world in a unique way.

“Season 3 is going to be a lot of fun because it’s going to be taking a lot of disparate elements from the novel Hannibal Rising and the novel Hannibal and mashing them up together as part of the thrust of the season. It’s going to be fun to bastardize two novels into one sort of Frankenstein season. I will brace everybody right now: We’re significantly changing the Hannibal origin story from Hannibal Rising.”


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Source: TV Guide

Michael J. Foy

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