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'Sex Criminals' Review!

by Jade Ashely


Suzie and Jon have a bit of a secret... Let me start from the beginning. Suzie works at the library. Sad thing is, the bank is shutting it down. Jon happens to work at the bank and he happens to absolutely hate it. Jon, meet, Suzie. They hit it off immediately... for more reasons than one. Turns out, they share the same secret. Whenever either of them have sex, they freeze time and go to a place Suzie likes to call “The Quiet.” So what do they do with all that frozen time? Rob banks, of course. Hailed as the “Best New Series” by USA Today and Time Magazine’s Comic of the Year 2013, Sex Criminals does not disappoint.

This book is absolutely laugh-out-loud hilarious. If you have a dirty sense of humor, like me, you’ll love this. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky completely knocked this one out of the park with their writing. It’s not all just dirty jokes though, it’s even pretty insightful about love, life and all the struggles of growing up and coming into your own. The authors even have a sex tip book, called “Just The Tips” with articles and stories curated from the letter section of Sex Criminals. (Also hilarious) Everyone who asks me what comic I recommend, I always say Sex Criminals. It’s actually in the works to become a TV show! So read up now, ladies and gentlemen, so you’ll be able to say you knew about it before it was on TV. You get extra hipster points for that. All jokes aside, you should really really reaaaallllly pick up Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky, I promise you won’t regret it.


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