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'Do You Know What I Meme?'

by Franco Danger


Now, because I think (and hope) this will help you all in obviously important ways, let me tell you whats been getting me kind of annoyed on the internet. Bad Memes. No, I don't mean like "that wasn't funny" memes. I mean rugged memes that look like they've seen some shit. where, what looks like, Dr. Frankenstein himself takes a picture he found from wherever and adds a name or "when __ does __" on top of it, (and I don't mean on top of the picture, as in placed over, I mean literally above the picture.) makes the picture quality look like it was uploaded from an Etch A Sketch, adds a "…be like" on the bottom of the picture, then adds their Twitter or Instagram handle next to a laughing/crying emoji. You've seen this. I know you have. They're the only pictures on Instagram that have the same quality as the worksheets your 3rd grade teacher got out from the copy machine. They bother me so much. Mostly because…how? so hey, if you're meme-ing, don't fax it to the internet. thats my only advice here.


I specifically get annoyed at video memes that are made by people who don't know the proper joke structure of a video meme. I know what you're thinking "Theres a structure?!" yes. The internet's version of the one liner comes from the same pocket of thought as the now-almost-painful-to-use "thats what she said" joke. Allow me to explain. Lets say I'm a plumber, and I'm working on a job where I say "I'm going to have to lube this pipe up." (because obviously I've never been a plumber.) I'm reacting to my plumbing reality. My statement and my reaction is addressing the dry pipe (I guess? because thats a common issue? I don't know.) but taken word for word out of context, it can also be used as something "she said" and having it address a completely different scenario. Video memes are the same. You take a scene from a movie for example, a clip where a woman is swimming desperately towards a boat and away from a shark screaming "oh shit, oh fuckkk, JULIA GET ME BACK UPPP!!" where clearly the woman is reacting to her shark reality, and then all you do is put words around it to clearly change its context. For example "when dudes try to grind on you when you get down from dancing on the bar." 'oh shit, oh fuckkk, JULIA GET ME BACK UPPP!!" boom. Meme structure. you're welcome. now here is what pisses me off… I see movie clips (lets use this shark scene again for sake of me wasting away my creativity) like the shark scene that get used in these shit memes and this is what they do… ready? okay here it goes


**we see a clip where a woman is desperately swimming towards a boat, splashing hard with a panicked look on her face. a fin arrises behind her. getting closer and closer. she yells "oh shit, oh fuckk, JULIA GET ME BACK UPP!!"**


(written around the clip) -'When you're swimming back to the boat and a shark comes LOL!'-


Seriously, if you're doing this. you're an idiot. What, are you introducing a 15 second clip? or are you a fuckin TV guide? (or the "info" buttons for you millennials) why are you making me read about the clip I'm already watching? just post up the same clip of Bad Boys 2 that you wrote all over and just say "haha this is funny". its the same thing. you're completely missing the point. its about the joke structure, people! If you haven't noticed by this now i'll tell you. I have horrible punctuation skills and I take funny seriously. So now that you've read this, you've learned proper structure, and that I've told you my domesticated peeves, (word play) you may now go out into the world (via Tumblr) and Meme away my little readers, Meme away.


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