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'BIG Trouble in Little China' The Comic! Issue #4!

by Michael J. Foy


Not gonna lie, I was a bit worried at the start of issue number four. Worried, because I had read that this would be the last installment of a really fun story. Instead, I’m very happy to report, that information was incorrect. I now believe it may actually be six. Given where the story ends in this issue, I can not wait to see how good ol’ Jack Burton continues or concludes his quest to save Wang and Chinatown.


As always, some spoilers follow!


We pick up with Jack, Egg and Pete finally returning from the Midnight Road. Back at Egg’s, they plot with the Chang Sing and Miao Yin to rescue Wang. Meanwhile, the evil Qiang Wu waits with the Wing Kong for delivery of the jars containing the souls of the three storms. When the two groups finally meet, there is a fantastic moment where Qiang Wu turns Jack’s own humor against him. I wasn’t expecting this moment, but I must say it was so funny I had to put the comic down for a minute. I can not say I have read a ton of comics, but I can say I’ve never read a series where each issue has made me burst out laughing.


With the mystery of the Midnight road behind us, this issue is less about adventure and more about moving the story forward. Now you may think that’s code for, this is issue sucks, but I promise you it doesn’t. There is plenty of humor and great artwork to keep the reader engaged as the plot is setup. If there really are only two more, I can see how we’ve reached the beginning of the end, but I’m not sure how I’ll be able to let the world of Big Trouble go again.

So let’s just not think about that.


As with the previous installments, we are presented with another tale of a former Mrs. Burton. This time however, we’re introduced to Jack’s true love. It’s a rather tender flashback, one that shines some light on just why Burton will do whatever it takes to save and reunite Wang with his new bride. It’s also nice to see Miao Yin take a more active role in this story, despite the fact that she does not really have much to do. Now I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, still missing Eddie, Margo and Gracie Law. Just saying.


The biggest surprise comes at the end of the issue with the …. even I don’t want to ruin that one! You’ll just have to read it for yourself! You’ve waited long enough, head on over to your local comic shop or order online, but get your hands on the first four issues! BOOM Studios, with some help from John Carpenter have created a great ride in the Pork Chop Express, and your number is up!



Score: 4 ½ Qiang Wus Out of 5



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